Shipping and deliveries

You can check the shipping times and, where appropriate, its cost by clicking on the corresponding tab according to the destination of your purchase.

Please make sure that the shipping address and contact details are correct.

Keep in mind that, once processed, purchase orders cannot be modified or cancelled.

In the event that the transport company does not find you at your address, the parcel will be at your disposal for 15 days at the transport company office closest to you.

LA MUSA is not responsible for delays that may occur as a result of the activity of third parties, such as transport companies or the staff in charge of the customs procedures.

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Peninsular Spain, the Balearic Islands and Portugal

FREE Shipping

Approximate delivery times:

15 working days. Please, contact us for urgent orders.


FREE shipping on orders over €170*

Shipments on orders €170 or below: check the shipping cost here.

*Countries and regions for which it is applicable: Canary Islands, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden.

For shipments to the Canary Islands, before making your purchase, please, contact us to eliminate VAT.

Please, note that for shipments to the Canary Islands the import SAD must be paid at destination by the buyer.

Furthermore, LA MUSA is not responsible for the payment of taxes, fees and tariffs that may arise from any international purchase.

Approximate delivery times:

15 working days. Please, contact us for urgent orders.

Rest of the world

FREE shipping on orders over €500

Shipments 500€ or below: Check the shipping cost here.

You can check here the countries we ship to.

Approximate delivery times:

15 working days. Please, contact us for urgent orders.

Please, keep in mind that for international shipments the payment of additional taxes, fees and other expenses, such as customs management, may be required and must be borne by the buyer.